Sunday, August 27, 2006

I hate cake...

If the statement you get what you want in life is true then apparently I have ignored the fine print that clearly states that what you want is not always what you need.

His name is Jason and from all outer appearances he is the perfect guy, late twenties, attorney, funny and easy to be around. We've done just about everything from the museum circuit, fancy dinners, theatre, to evenings with friends debating the silly little things in life that matter the most...and I ev
en allowed him to partake in a trip to that special place where I go when I need to recharge...the Marc Jacobs store here in the village.

All is finally coming together, right??

Well, no, honestly the chemistry is not there and I am left wondering what the hell am I looking for?? I recently completed The Tipping Point by Malcom Gladwell and there is a part that mentions how even the most casual conversations between two people is like a dance. Our response to the others voice from shifting our body to a belly laugh or a touch of the arm shows that the sound is pleasing to our minds and we want to be surrounded by it as much as possible, I realized that with him I don't dance, I respond to what is being presented to me and nothing else.

What's a guy to do?

A good friend of mine believes that relationships are boring in essence, meaning that there is no drama, no miscommunication, no judgements, it is just two people that come together and build a foundation for some greater experience in life. Although I agree to some extent, I have to argue that the great thing about building is the thrill of watching something grow from nothing but what happens when there is no thrill? You are left with an mundane piece of architecture and when was the last time any of us made a point to go check out that new boring building that just opened downtown? Oh well..I'm sure it will work itself out and I can move on to ending the next relationship.

In other news, since my last posting I have finished reading three books, not only a personal record for me but also clearly a reflection that right now literati is what seems to make me dance at the moment. The selections were Sula (Toni Morrison), Unlubricated (
Arthur Nersesian) and The Tipping Point (Malcolm Gladwell). Sula and Tipping Point were heavily filled with metaphors which I found not only enjoyable but attached to as I think the metaphoric portion of my brains clearly rules in the space between my ears. Unlubricaed was a fun read of a struggling actress trying to get a play off the ground so nothing really ground breaking. Up next is Haunted (Chuck Palahniuk and NYU alumni), Dry (Augusten Burroughs) and the Plot Against America (Philip Roth). I am also trying to work on adding music to my blog as I have discovered some really great bands and would love to have them listed as my song of the moment or something to that effect. Also speaking of music, I will be attending my 2nd concert ever in my life (no judgements) on September 16 at Webster Hall...I'll be checking out Zero 7 with a friend and words can't describe how excited I am to be able to experience an evening of their beautiful music live...hopefully Ill have a post before and after....

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