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Very uneventful weekend of just hanging around the city, Friday night went to a terribly cute little restaurant in SOHO with my best friend and dessert in the west village and drinks at G where I introduced a guy that asked me out on a date to my friend but he abruptly left...guess he wasn't really feeling apart of the conversation despite our numerous attempts to try and include him. We left G and headed to the village for more drinks and dancing until 4 and I came home and crashed until late afternoon Saturday where I met another friend for dinner and convo which was really nice to be in the company of others again after spending a few weeks mooping around the closet.
The highlight of the weekend was checking out "Little Miss Sunshine"
with a friend. Think Royal Tennebaums meets The Griswold family vacation with some very modern updates and you get an idea. At times I found myself laughing as well as well as crying and left feeling that I was given a little ray of sunshine to take away with me. The movie deals with some very serious issues such as suicide and disappointment just to name a few. All the characters are superb and no one shines above the rest, it is something that I highly recommend and look forward to adding to the collection once it arrives on DVD.
In other news, I have wrapped up my 4th book a classic by Hemingway (The Sun Also Rises) although this was a very short read, I was disappointed from start to finish with this novel having never felt a connection to any of the characters and only continuing to read to get to the end. My latest selection is The History of Love and I will be adding a review of this book once completed.
That pretty much wraps up the weekend, I need to head to sleep for what I am sure is going to be a very hot and grueling week ahead.
A while ago I wrote about the sensation of love (see archives) and I am pleased to report that I finally had the opportunity to experience this sensation. Although brief and extremely rocky it was everything that I had hoped it would be and every moment I was in entrapped in this emotion, I savored it for I knew it would end. It truly pains me to write this entry, my heart is broken, my spirit is crushed and time heals all wounds but time is an infinite things that keeps ticking toward the next moment. I never got to share half of what I felt inside for him to him and I will forever regret missing this opportunity. I believed he was a troubled soul and hoped inside that he would realize that his soul was all that I loved, I admired what he accomplished but never loved it, it is a material item that can be lost in an instant and although I tried to convey this feeling to him on several occasions, I don't think the message was ever fully received by him.
I have given him his wish of wanting to be set free and only hope that he finds in someone else that passion and inspiration I saw in him and now I only hope that one day I am lucky enough to experience that sensation again.